2015 Rally: Pricing Policy

COG National Rally 2015


2015 NationaL Rally pricing

In 2013, the national rally pricing structure was changed. The 2015 rally will follow the same structure. Here is an explanation:

  • We believe that members who have committed to becoming a member and paid their membership fee, are entitled to a discounted rate, over the standard Forum Subscriber/Guest/non-member rate. Remember some of the costs for running the National are covered by COG and member dues.
  • COG is not looking to make a profit on this event we aim to break even.  Any additional funds brought in over our budget will go towards additional activities/prizes etc.
  • COG is looking to encourage members to bring their spouses and significant others to our event if they so wish. If a spouse, significant other, or close family member attends one or more of our rallies, we believe they are best to attend as a COG member.
  • If you want your spouse/significant other to get the member discount, you must witch your membership plan when you renew. The difference between COG’s membership fee for single membership and member + associate is only $5 – what a great value!

How to Add and Associate to your Membership.

This can be done in 2 ways:
A) Contact the Membership Director for instructions on how to mail in Associate upgrade.
B) Renew your membership now choosing one of the Member plus Associate Plans:
  • Go to our main COGMOS web page (www.cog-online.org)
  • Navigate to Member Area, logging in if prompted.
  • Navigate to  Member Links -> My Info
  • Select View -> My Membership
  •  Select Actions -> Edit Membership Plan
  • Follow the screen to renew membership
Then add your associate using these steps to add an Associate to your COGMOS account:
  • Navigate to My Info
  • View – My Affiliates
  • Click Add Affiliate
  • Make sure you fill out all the fields with a red “required” star.
  • Choose a new Username & Password for your associate. DO NOT USE THE SAME USERNAME AS YOUR PRIMARY ACCOUNT.
  • Use a valid email address for your associate if they don’t have one, enter your own that way you get their notifications, etc.
  • Make sure you select Member Managed by:  Member
  • Leave COG # field blank. Membership will complete this.
  • Make sure you select Save.
  • Now when you register for an event your Associate’s name will automatically appear in your registration if you select 2 members for an event.
Note: If you and your Associate Member are attending with additional immediate family members you may bring the additional members at the discounted member rate.