2012 Sponsors

We would like to thank all the rally sponsors for their generous support of COG and our 2012 National Rally.
Please give these sponsors of the COG 2012 National Rally consideration for your business.

Lazy and just want to donate cash to sponsor the rally?  We will still list you here and at the rally.  Your company name will be exposed to to about 5,000 registered COG members and guests  10,000 + website visitors.  Click here to donate using a credit card.

DONATE to the 2012 rally

Thanks to:

Kendra Weaver
, for her work on rally graphics.


COG Industry Member

COG Industry Member


Angel Ride Enterprises

COG Industry Member

Connie Pegs LLC

COG Industry Member (ragsag@mowisp.net)

COG Industry Member


COG Industry Member

COG Industry Member

COG Industry Member


COG Industry Member


COG Industry Member




Shoodaben Engineering
“The way things ‘shoodaben’ done from the factory!”

COG Industry Member




Trench Fighter Customs




Phils Farkles


Brian Snowberg – ZG Heat Shields


















Cee Baileys Plastics


Saunders Museum


Eureka Springs Historical Museum


39 Classic Cycles www.39classiccycles.arcox.com
Arkansas Adventure Rider www.arkansasadventurerider.com
Bentonville BMW www.bentonvillebmw.com
Daniel Williams (self owned shop) www.williamsmotosports.com
Freedom Suzuki www.freedomsuzuki.com
Marionville Power Sports www.marionvillepowersports.com
NEOSHO Powersports www.neoshopowersports.com
Pickles Gap Cycle Shack http://www.facebook.com/pgcycleshack?sk=info
Rainbow Cycle & Marine www.rainbowcyclemarine.com
Rainbow Honda www.rainbowhonda.net/index.htm
Spring Valley Cycles www.merchantcircle.com/business/Spring.Valley.Cycles.479-789-7433
Wheeler Powersports, Inc. www.wheelerspowersports.com
House of Kawasaki http://www.houseofkawasaki.com
Intrigue Theater www.theaterofintrigue.com
Ozark Mountain Hoe-Down www.ozarkmountainhoedown.com
Keels Creek Winery  http://www.keelscreek.com
Ohlin Technologies www.ohlins.com
Suchness Spa www.suchnessspa.com


Rally Sponsors and Sponsorship Information

Sponsors and Vendors help make our event the best it can be. Sponsorship from COG Industry Members and other motorcycle industry related manufacturers, distributors, and vendors is highly encouraged. The most common sponsorship is donation of  product or services to be given away to rally attendees as prizes during our event. Gift certificates for merchandise redemption is preferred as it is less costly to ship and easier for rally attendees to transport home by motorcycle.  We are open to other ideas, so please contact us to them.

We would be pleased to add you to the list of 2012 Rally Sponsors, all you need to do is contact Vic Salisbury or Bob Smith and commit to providing a door prize or some other useful item or service to our 2012 Rally.  The sooner you commit the sooner we list you as a sponsor and therefore your company’s name will be out front to our members that much longer.  So what are you waiting for, give us a shout.

Thank you.

Vic Salisbury, COG Industry Liaison  –  industry-liaison@cog-online.org

Bob Smith, Rally Leader –  COGNational2012@cog-online.org

Drop Ship Information

Here is the resort shipping address if you plan to drop ship door prizes or other goodies directly to the rally… please arrange shipments to arrive no sooner than June 1 and no later then June 9.


If you have very small donations to send us like certificates they can be sent any time to:
